How to Sew a Pillow with a Bow Accent From a Man’s Sweater

Returning readers to my blog know how much I love refashioning clothes, accessories, and home decorations from men’s clothing. Not only can loads of projects be made out of men’s stuff, but men’s clothing tends to be a lot sturdier than woman’s clothing — really, I’ve seen such a downgrade in the quality of women’s clothes. 

Making pillows from men’s sweaters are a great way to upcycle. You can also turn your old pillows and give them new life into sofa pillows (after a run through the washing machine). Double upcycle! 🙂

Sofa Bow Pillow From a Man’s Sweater


Here’s a long-sleeve beige man’s sweater (even if the photo cuts off the arms lol).

Cut underneath the armpits.

Cut off one of the sweater’s arms.

Cut off the top, the curvy part that’s actually the part that attaches to the body of the sweater.

Cut the sleeve down from the seam and lay out flat.

You’re basically now just making three different pieces the same size — the sleeve, and the front and the back of the bottom of the sweater that you cut in the first step. The sleeve will be the bow front.

Here is the bow front of the pillow, cut into a rectangle.

The three pieces. The bow part is in the center (the sleeve of this sweater has ribbing in a different direction than the bottom part).

Sew the sides of the pillow together, all three layers.

The three layers together.

Remember that top piece of the sleeve? Cut yourself a small rectangle for the bow center.


Turn the entire pillow inside out, so the bow is on the outside. Folding the bow center into thirds, wrap it around the bow. Either glue or sew into place.


Turn the pillow outside in again, and notch the corners, pulling part of the bow front.


Sew the top and bottom. Make sure to leave a hole at the top (or bottom) to fill the stuffing.


My leftover stuffing. 🙂


Now, just stitch the hole closed!

All done 🙂

How about refashioning a bunch of sofa bow pillows? Let me know in the comments!


Organizing Your Home

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